Trenbolone Acetate 10x100mg


Buy Trenbolone Acetate Online


Trenbolone Acetate is a popular androgen and synthetic anabolic steroid medication which is used in veterinary medicine, like other anabolic steroids (e.g. testosterone) it is an appealing performance-enhancing drug (PED) in bodybuilding subculture. Positive effects of anabolic steroid use are irrefutable, and trenbolone (acetate and enanthate) remains one of the most powerful performance-enhancing drugs for muscle growth. What’s interesting about trenbolone is that it’s classified as a selective-androgen receptor modulator (SARM), albeit steroidal, due to its tissue-specific actions and lack of 5-alpha reductase (5-AR) activity.




Side effects include symptoms of masculinization like acne, increased body hair growth, scalp hair loss, voice changes, and increased sexual desire. It has strong anabolic effects and highly androgenic effects, as well as potent progestogenic effects, and weak glucocorticoid effects. Trenbolone acetate is an androgen ester and a short-lasting prodrug of trenbolone in the body.


Where to buy Trenbolone Acetate ?


Here at Leafly Medical Dispensary you can buy Trenbolone acetate online. Order now and receive instant delivery. When it comes to delivery you can be rest assured that it will reach your location as fast as possible. You can order with paypal, credit card and other only payment options. Our Dispensary provide an online sale for all products.


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Trenbolone AcetateTrenbolone Acetate 10x100mg