

Buy Omnadren 250 Online


Omnadren or Omnadren 250 (Testosterone) is an injectable blend combination of 4 testosterone esters, all of which are androgens/anabolic steroids. Omnadren is almost identical to Sustanon 250 and is used as the base of many steroid cycles.




in men, testosterone is necessary for the functioning of the gonads, the formation of the external genital organs, the prostate gland, seminal vesicles, secondary sexual characteristics (male tone of voice, male-pattern hairiness, etc.). in the female body, testosterone acts antagonistically in relation to estrogens. has a positive effect in climacteric disorders.

Side Effects includes Acne, gynecomastia, edema, hypersensitivity reactions (skin-allergic reactions), frequent erections, manifestations of hypercalcemia. in grown men – excessive sexual arousal, impaired maturation of spermatozoa, increased activity of aminotransferases in the blood, increased libido, fluid retention in the body. in women, with prolonged use of the preparation, symptoms of virilization are possible. pain, itching and hyperemia at the injection site are possible.


Where to Buy Omnadren ?


Leafly Medical Dispensary is the place where you can get Omnadren 250 for sale online.  you can order this drug with your credit card, paypal and other online payment methods.  we provide quick eligible shipping and delivery.


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