Dianabol 100x 20mg


Buy Dianabol Online


Dianabol commonly known as (D-Bol) is an androgen and anabolic steroid medication used by Athletes and bodybuilders for Muscle gain & Strength. It is the most recognized trade name for the steroid methandrostenolone or also referred to as methandienone.


Dianabol Side Effects


Studies have used therapeutic dosages ranging between 5,10, and 100mg of dianabols per day. Despite dosages, orally administered, 17-alpha alkylated androgens, are potentially hepatotoxic and markedly lower plasma HDL cholesterol.

Common occurring side effects include.

  • Acne
  • Headache/dizziness
  • Reduced libido
  • Hypertension
  • Increased HDL cholesterol

Dianabol, will suppress natural testosterone levels. However, unlike other AAS, it does have moderate estrogenic effects. It, can be reduced by the enzyme 5α-reductase, into methyl-1-testosterone, a more potent AAS, just as testosterone, is reduced into dihydrotestosterone (DHT).

Dianabol is a substrate for aromatase, and can be metabolized into estrogen methylestradiol, and although the rate of aromatization is reduced relative to testosterone, the estrogen produced is metabolism resistance, thus it does retain moderate estrogenic activity. Although it’s affinity for estrogen receptors (ER) is much lower.


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DianabolDianabol 100x 20mg